Michele Atty

Skills Show
The Skills Show
The Skills Show is the nation’s largest skills and careers event. Attracting over 75,000 visitors it provides hands-on experiences to allow young people to explore a huge range of potential careers, further education, skills and apprenticeships. We at InSite are delighted and proud of our part in helping young people […]

Snowbombing 2013
InSite took to the mountains for Snowbombing 2013 where we supported the Barclaycard Arctic Disco.   The Barclaycard Arctic Disco was an exclusive event with only 300 attendees each evening in the White Lounge igloo at the top of the Ahorn Mountain. With Kasabian as the artists one evening it […]

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Showman’s Show 2012
You will be able to see a wide range of our event support software on our Event Suite stand at the Showman’s Show 2012.   We’ll be demonstrating a number of our integrated systems including Access Control, Cashless Events, Voucher Redemption, Social Media integration, Ticket Collection, Cloakroom and Seat Finder.   […]

Goodwood Revival 2012
2012 Goodwood Revival was as busy as bustling and fascinating as ever with every day sold out in advance.   Our team was along to provide support and gate supervision working alongside Goodwood’s regular staff. It’s always a pleasure to return to Goodwood and work with such a close knit team. It’s like catching up […]

Glorious Goodwood 2012
The InSite team was in action again at the very Glorious Goodwood supporting the access team and the ticket office collection staff.   It’s hard to believe our smartly suited team are the same people who stood at the gates at the Isle of Wight and this year’s other soggy events in […]